Celebrate the holiday season early and in style. Celebrate by wearing an adorable Christmas “tree” on your head when you play your favorite game.
I know what you’re thinking: But there is already a Christmas tree in Golden Tee for my golfer.
Yes, but this one is different. It’s more you. It’s the kind of tree that goes up in seven minutes and the cleanup is spectacular.
Plus, who doesn’t want more holiday cheer in their virtual-golfing lives?
To unlock this special 2016 holiday item, visit a Golden Tee 2016 cabinet near you. That’s the majority of the work; you’re almost there.
Then during any live game, hit the options button and highlight/select Give Away Code. From here you will be asked to enter the code for the tree. That code is listed below.
That’s it. All you have to do next is find the item in your virtual closet, throw it on and you’ll be on your way.
Happy holidays, and enjoy the new gear!