Welcome to the Course Caddy, a look at each and every hole in Golden Tee 2014. Over the next few months, we will spend each day looking at a different design, starting with Hole 1 on the first course and ending with the final hole on the final design.
We want—no, NEED—your help in this process!
How do you play a particular design? Share your thoughts on strategy and YouTube uploads in the comment section. Your feedback is integral in the complete understanding of the design.
All holes will then be available for reference on the Course Caddy page—a bookmark must for the entire encyclopedia! Enjoy.
Pelican Grove Hole No. 13

The first par-5 on the back nine is one that comes down to your tee shot: Put it in a favorable spot and you’ll be left with a manageable shot into the green. Miss left, right or long, and your approach into the green could be the downfall of your round.
Ensuring that your tee shot stays in the fairway is priority No. 1. If it finds the rough—or likely the sand—the eagle is all but about of the equation. Staying in the short stuff gives you a chance.
Of course, ending up on the right side of the fairway and behind the grouping of trees guarding the path isn’t ideal, either. In a perfect world, you’ll land on the left side of the fairway—putting enough cut on your drive so the ball trickles to the opening—and have a cozy fairway wood to the green.
If that’s the case, the hardest part of the hole is over and you can end up with a shot like this.
But sometimes, you might have to be resourceful. At least you will have to be if you hope to walk away with an eagle. Although the risk of hitting through the trees is very high, there are a handful of openings that can be conquered. '
Much of this will depend on the wind, pin and your placement, but don’t be afraid to try it if you feel comfortable.
The biggest thing is giving yourself a putt for eagle. Both bite and backspin will work on the approach, and again, much of this spin control will depend on your setup. Once you get comfortable with a variety of looks, you’ll walk away with eagle on this hole regularly.
What do you think? And what shots work for you?