Welcome to the Course Caddy, a look at each and every hole in Golden Tee 2014. Over the next few months, we will spend each day looking at a different design, starting with Hole 1 on the first course and ending with the final hole on the final design.
We want—no, NEED—your help in this process!
How do you play a particular design? Share your thoughts on strategy and YouTube uploads in the comment section. Your feedback is integral in the complete understanding of the design.
All holes will then be available for reference on the Course Caddy page—a bookmark must for the entire encyclopedia! Enjoy.
Pelican Grove No. 14

Stop me if you’ve heard this before: Hole 14 on Pelican Grove can be driven.
Unlike some of the other manageable par-4s, however, we cannot endorse this shot under can circumstance. Although a big cut shot, high tee and a favorable box can provide a putt, far too much has to go right to make this possible. Better yet, far too much can go wrong to make it worth it.
Instead, put your tee shot right in the fairway. You don’t want to go too long, however, or the trees near the end of the short stuff—or more specifically, the ones that hang over the hazard—can become a problem.
From there, you’ll have a fairway wood to a sharply sloped green, and this shot is far from a given. For whatever reason, the ball seems to carry extraordinarily well here. In fact, most misses on this hole will be long not short.
Missing either way result in a lost ball, which means distance control is crucial. Related: Spin control is equally as important, and bite should be a popular selection on this shot. It will provide just enough spin to get the ball settled on the green, which is all you want here.
This is not the shot to be a hero. Get it on, make your putt and move on.
And if it goes it, it goes in.
What works for you on this design?