Welcome to the Course Caddy, a look at each and every hole in Golden Tee 2014. Over the next few months, we will spend each day looking at a different design, starting with Hole 1 on the first course and ending with the final hole on the final design.
We want—no, NEED—your help in this process!
How do you play a particular design? Share your thoughts on strategy and YouTube uploads in the comment section. Your feedback is integral in the complete understanding of the design.
All holes will then be available for reference on the Course Caddy page—a bookmark must for the entire encyclopedia! Enjoy.
Highland Links Hole No. 14

Rarely do two-shot par-4s bring about much fear. Call it Golden Tee habit, an understanding that hitting a drive and an approach really has become somewhat second nature for most players. That’s not the case with Hole 14 on Highland Links. It is, without question, one of the most challenging two-shot holes we’ve seen in a while.
There’s good reason for this, too: The wind, the rough, the shape of the green and the overall layout of the hole make this a difficult second shot to stick. And goodness, that wind. It’s worth saying once more.
Have no fear, however. We’re here to help.
The approach is the most crucial shot on this hole, no doubt about it. But putting yourself in a prime position to exceed is absolutely vital off the tee. If there’s a way to match yourself better with a wind—whether you’re directly with or against it—it’s worth driving to that point.
You don’t have to hit it a mile to do this. In fact, landing short in the first fairway is a fine approach that should lead to a manageable second shot. Wherever you decide to land, sticking the green with your next shot will be what makes or breaks you here.
There are various ways to go about this shot, ensuring that you manage the right (and down) sloping green accordingly.
If you’re confident in your spin control, and the pin is near the front part of the green, Backspin is certainly an option. Be careful, though. You don’t want to spin off here and visit the difficult rough.
Bite is also an option, depending on where the pin is located.
Allowing your ball to trickle—or simply settle on the green—is why this spin option was invented. Use it here, although be sure to track how this option will react with various clubs and winds.
We’ve said it before, but never has the advice been more appropriate on a given hole: give yourself a putt.
Avoid the rough, avoid the sand and do whatever it takes to stick this green. It won’t be easy with a howling wind, but there are ways to tackle this design.
Every birdie is earned here.