Welcome to the Course Caddy, a look at each and every hole in Golden Tee 2014. Over the next few months, we will spend each day looking at a different design, starting with Hole 1 on the first course and ending with the final hole on the final design.
We want—no, NEED—your help in this process!
How do you play a particular design? Share your thoughts on strategy and YouTube uploads in the comment section. Your feedback is integral in the complete understanding of the design.
All holes will then be available for reference on the Course Caddy page—a bookmark must for the entire encyclopedia! Enjoy.
Turtle Island Hole No. 11

I’ve seen Hole 11 at Turtle Island played a lot of ways. In fact, I’ve seen this par-5 tackled in some ways I can’t begin to describe (because quite frankly, I'm not sure they're the best way to play it).
You have options here, which is good news for those looking to get to the green in two shots. You can play for the fairway, the small strip of sand or the island situated off to the left; all of these methods will work. When you can aim for the fairway, however, you should always take advantage of the opportunity.
A high tee here can come in handy, especially when you need your drive to carry a great distance. On the right setups, you should be able to carry your tee shot over the first pit of lava—avoiding the other lava on the right. From here, in many instances, you will have a clean look at the hole.
This is the dream scenario on this hole and the easiest way to get an eagle. Push the limits on your Golden Tee—the actual tee—and you could benefit greatly from it.
But this path to the pin isn’t always an option. Sometimes, well, a lot of the time, you will have to improvise.
Much of where you decide to shoot will depend on your comfort with a given shot. While no landing area outside of the fairway provides a given to the green, the island off in the lovely blue water to the left does provide a path to the pin.
Getting there can be a bit tricky, especially with trees guarding the tee box. Again, you’ll want to make use of Golden Tees if you have them, launching a fairway wood to the small gap near the end of the island.
Distance control will be crucial, as will tee shot placement, but from here you should have a look at the green. It won’t be the cleanest shot—an occasionally a tree will get in the way to remove the chance—but this strategy works.
And you’ll be left with a fairway wood to the green.
There’s no one way to play it. Test various paths to see what works for you. Find landing areas that you’re comfortable with. And don’t risk blowing up the scorecard for a ridiculous shot with little chance of working. Birdie here isn’t bad.
How do you play?