Golden Tee LIVE 2024 Money Shot Leaderboard current as of 02/05/2025 at 07:05:46 PM UTC
**Final results are tallied at 9:00/10:00 a.m. (CST/CDT) the following day
Best Shot
Rank Name Nickname One Two Three Current Prize
1 JOE STRIEF UPNINU !. 2.343 in 4.491 ft 5.970 ft $150.00
2 ANDY HAAS ship it! 3.103 in 8.894 in 1.118 ft $100.00
3 WILL SANDSTAD Strix Nebulosa 3.466 in 8.609 in 1.720 ft $75.00
4 EDWARD GODFREY Eddie G. 5.858 in 1.474 ft 1.858 ft $50.00
5 TOM KAUL MY CADDY SUX !. 7.494 in 3.377 ft 15.291 ft $40.00
6 RUSSELL GREENE Vajankles Only!!! 8.039 in 3.259 ft 3.716 ft $17.00
7 JAMIE KONDO PAYTHEGIRL! 8.929 in 3.964 ft 12.269 ft $17.00
8 STEVE HOWARD Aubrey!!! 11.347 in 1.495 ft 1.529 ft $17.00
9 SEAN GERVAIS I got the smoke 1.070 ft 2.663 ft 2.809 ft $17.00
10 MIKE DEMKO NEW BALL TIL T. 1.161 ft 4.246 ft 4.681 ft $17.00
11 DAN !!! ASSTASTIC !. 1.267 ft 4.707 ft 5.522 ft Tee
12 THOMAS TWIGG. T W I G G 1.385 ft 1.875 ft 2.346 ft Tee
13 BERTOS BEST BERTOS B. 1.406 ft 2.676 ft 9.835 ft Tee
14 MARK B. MAB 1.418 ft 13.362 ft 82.300 ft Tee
15 LOGAN !!! LOGAN !. 1.521 ft 6.777 ft 16.171 ft Tee
16 TREVOR ROBERTS Gape Horn 1.633 ft 2.235 ft 5.182 ft Tee
17 Patrick Connor PCON 1.644 ft 1.806 ft 1.963 ft Tee
18 Frank Aguiar Ken Abiss 1.649 ft 1.831 ft 1.979 ft Tee
19 ROBERT ADAMS Rookie!Adams 1.665 ft 4.264 ft 5.038 ft Tee
20 KIM BRADLEY KIM B. 1.774 ft 1.954 ft 2.278 ft Tee
21 Krystal Huffines BIRDALICIOUS 1.800 ft 4.807 ft 10.688 ft Tee
22 HOWARD BEARCE BABY DADDY .. 1.807 ft 4.572 ft 6.724 ft Tee
23 LUKE SPONSELLER Chipper Magee 1.957 ft 2.373 ft 2.764 ft Tee
24 JEFF MCCLELLAN URBAN MEYER ' 1.991 ft 5.386 ft 10.122 ft Tee
25 STD . CHAS** D. 2.164 ft 3.592 ft 9.509 ft Tee
26 EVAN GOSSETT MEOW CHOPPER 2.208 ft 3.006 ft 3.191 ft Tee
27 TERRY CONNOR TERRY C. 2.268 ft 5.307 ft 6.371 ft Tee
28 AARON GOOD ******AG****** 2.270 ft 3.223 ft 8.272 ft Tee
29 BLAKE LINDNER LUZN2THEDRUNKS 2.402 ft 13.852 ft 18.374 ft Tee
30 PEDER DUFFELL Big Norskie ! 2.715 ft 8.487 ft 22.409 ft Tee
31 Shawn martin Clamy Yet Moist 2.871 ft 8.056 ft 16.701 ft Tee
32 MICHAEL SCHAEFFER MT S. 2.982 ft 5.563 ft 28.824 ft Tee
33 SCOTT SHIPLEY Ty Webb 3.025 ft 3.420 ft 6.863 ft Tee
34 RON HAWKINS NOBODY YET !. 3.042 ft 6.319 ft 106.524 ft Tee
35 SHAWN COBB SHAWN C. 3.183 ft 5.473 ft 7.732 ft Tee
36 JIMMY JAM SEC !. 3.322 ft 4.790 ft 7.398 ft Tee
37 DREW CORBETT The Great Gazoo 3.369 ft 3.966 ft 18.314 ft Tee
38 THOMAS KRESSLEY TKBBQ '. 3.390 ft 4.299 ft 4.532 ft Tee
39 JEREMY MEES W0RM 3.395 ft 12.625 ft 18.883 ft Tee
40 EZ ! EZ !. 4.136 ft 5.693 ft 5.929 ft Tee
41 ERIK RIOS Mex ! 4.243 ft 7.960 ft 8.595 ft Tee
42 ERIC THEIS MACK DADDY 4.333 ft 9.034 ft 19.819 ft Tee
43 Christopher Daniels KRAMPUS 4.361 ft 13.553 ft 15.083 ft Tee
44 mark kriger BOOYAH !. 4.524 ft 7.533 ft 10.291 ft Tee
45 WILLIAM KEESEE Happy Hoooker 4.792 ft 5.837 ft 6.969 ft Tee
46 BRYANT WIEGERS Big Country 5.075 ft 5.590 ft 6.419 ft Tee
47 JOHN CHURCHILL MARIJUANA JOHN 5.277 ft 7.428 ft 7.962 ft Tee
48 JIMBO SHEA RIK*O*SHEA *. 5.281 ft 10.218 ft 12.152 ft Tee
49 DAVID NICHOLSON DAVID N. 5.284 ft 6.888 ft 8.232 ft Tee
50 JERRY LEFLAR JERRYMGRMAN 5.338 ft 8.176 ft 10.027 ft Tee
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No Pin, No Problems. In Money $hot, players have the opportunity to win huge cash prizes with just one great shot!

For the first time in Golden Tee history, we have removed the cup. There is only a pin, and in Money $hot, that’s all you need. The name of the game in this exciting game mode is to get as close to the pin as you possibly can.

Like the Daily Contest, Money $hot is a 24-hour event. A contest will open at 9/10 a.m. CDT/CST and close at 8:59/9:59 a.m. CDT/CST.

In that time, a player can play as many games of Money $hot as they please. Each game will give a player three separate shots on a particular hole that will not change for the entire day. During that individual game, the pin and tee box will also stay the same. The wind will become increasingly difficult after each shot.

Not satisfied with your effort after your three shots? Play again. And again. And again. And so on. The next game, the player will be thrown onto the same exact hole, although the tee box and pin location will be different. For the next three shots, these variables will remain the same while the wind will continue to adjust.

The player who gets closest to the pin wins. In the event that there is a tie, a player’s second best shot of the day will be used as a tiebreaker.

To enter, select Prizes in the game select menu then select Money $hot. Players will need to swipe their Player Cards, credit cards or use the NFC reader or keypad to identify themselves before the game begins. A player is allowed to swipe only one card in a given day.

Note! If your name is incorrect on the leaderboard, you can correct it on the Golden Tee LIVE Caddy app. After logging in, navigate to the Account section and tap the Update Profile button.