Golden Tee LIVE 2024 Money Shot Leaderboard current as of 01/27/2025 at 07:05:46 PM UTC
**Final results are tallied at 9:00/10:00 a.m. (CST/CDT) the following day
Best Shot
Rank Name Nickname One Two Three Current Prize
1 STEVE HOWARD Aubrey!!! 2.970 in 2.495 ft 3.460 ft $105.00
2 EVAN GOSSETT MEOW CHOPPER 3.584 in 2.336 ft 2.960 ft $70.00
4 Josh Ballinger STROKIN' 5.424 in 3.457 ft 8.770 ft $35.00
5 KEN ARLEDGE KEN A. 9.134 in 9.981 in 1.790 ft $28.00
6 THOMAS TWIGG. T W I G G 10.840 in 8.319 ft 8.370 ft $11.90
7 AARON GOOD ******AG****** 11.495 in 1.160 ft 1.438 ft $11.90
8 JEFF FELL Jeff F 1.055 ft 16.812 ft 21.855 ft $11.90
9 MIKE DEMKO NEW BALL TIL T. 1.085 ft 2.078 ft 2.781 ft $11.90
10 DONKEY PUNCH MARTIN RIGGS 1.437 ft 5.432 ft 7.558 ft $11.90
11 JOHNNY DAHER JOHNNY D !. 1.448 ft 4.511 ft 5.300 ft Tee
12 RICHY'RICH ! RICHY'RICH !. 1.458 ft 5.915 ft 18.189 ft Tee
13 CHAD * CHAD *. 1.683 ft 3.097 ft 5.375 ft Tee
14 TYLER GUCK MASTERFLEX 1.717 ft 3.412 ft 4.692 ft Tee
15 DAVID NICHOLSON DAVID N. 2.341 ft 3.784 ft 6.980 ft Tee
16 SEAN GERVAIS I want your soul 2.398 ft 2.761 ft 4.571 ft Tee
17 melvin house OH SNAP 2.715 ft 6.294 ft 8.500 ft Tee
18 TIM !!!!!! Idontlikeit! 2.734 ft 13.806 ft 14.818 ft Tee
19 KIM BRADLEY KIM B. 2.774 ft 3.219 ft 3.494 ft Tee
20 JASON ELLIOTT MONKEY HOUSE 3.089 ft 5.401 ft 5.730 ft Tee
21 Patrick Connor PCON 3.136 ft 4.877 ft 6.835 ft Tee
22 LUKE SPONSELLER Chipper Magee 3.268 ft 4.722 ft 4.803 ft Tee
23 EZ ! EZ !. 3.359 ft 4.680 ft 5.530 ft Tee
24 DAN ! DAN !. 3.456 ft 4.867 ft 9.306 ft Tee
25 JERRY LEFLAR JERRYMGRMAN 3.557 ft 12.712 ft 16.466 ft Tee
26 MAJ.HACKER . MAJ.HACKER .. 3.820 ft 138.610 ft 563.356 ft Tee
27 SHAWN COBB SHAWN C. 3.983 ft 5.385 ft 7.707 ft Tee
28 PEGGY G taffy w 4.077 ft 5.684 ft 6.277 ft Tee
29 JAMES YOUNG JAMES Y. 4.230 ft 62.647 ft 138.480 ft Tee
30 JEFF KAHLICH STRIP*BAR*DIRTY 4.999 ft 10.127 ft 16.375 ft Tee
31 THEODORE J RICHARDSON TTT 5.238 ft 6.598 ft 15.552 ft Tee
32 nick sarcone nick s. 5.687 ft 25.400 ft 29.470 ft Tee
33 DAVE DABE* DAVE DABE !. 5.729 ft 6.621 ft 7.831 ft Tee
34 TERRY CONNOR TERRY C. 5.945 ft 6.391 ft 6.412 ft Tee
35 ROBERT ADAMS Rookie!Adams 6.157 ft 8.489 ft 10.838 ft Tee
36 Paul Cooke Paul C. 6.272 ft 34.679 ft 112.580 ft Tee
37 BERTOS BEST BERTOS B. 6.418 ft 10.166 ft 11.709 ft Tee
38 ROLF HALVERSON ROLFING 6.481 ft 9.240 ft 10.605 ft Tee
39 mark kriger BOOYAH !. 6.916 ft 7.542 ft 12.248 ft Tee
40 AJ MCGAVIN GHOST TEE 7.038 ft 7.468 ft 7.528 ft Tee
41 RICHARD HANKINS Shane Falco!!! 7.275 ft 11.546 ft 15.181 ft Tee
42 CHRIS AVERA COOL M. 7.301 ft 8.083 ft 8.685 ft Tee
43 THOMAS GULAS JICK MAGGER *. 7.383 ft 43.639 ft 50.773 ft Tee
44 DUCKINFRUNK ! DUCKINFRUNK! 7.442 ft 12.742 ft 14.079 ft Tee
45 SEK K dixon yermouth 8.897 ft 32.748 ft 143.737 ft Tee
46 OPHIE COX PUTTMEIN 8.945 ft 140.390 ft 146.983 ft Tee
47 WAYNE HARTMAN LGB*FJB 10.538 ft 11.838 ft 13.489 ft Tee
48 JEFF STRESING TA TA TA !!! 10.599 ft 14.971 ft 25.442 ft Tee
49 MARK B. MAB 11.229 ft 20.869 ft 33.173 ft Tee
50 Michael Deaton MICHAEL D. 12.219 ft 20.001 ft 37.753 ft Tee
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No Pin, No Problems. In Money $hot, players have the opportunity to win huge cash prizes with just one great shot!

For the first time in Golden Tee history, we have removed the cup. There is only a pin, and in Money $hot, that’s all you need. The name of the game in this exciting game mode is to get as close to the pin as you possibly can.

Like the Daily Contest, Money $hot is a 24-hour event. A contest will open at 9/10 a.m. CDT/CST and close at 8:59/9:59 a.m. CDT/CST.

In that time, a player can play as many games of Money $hot as they please. Each game will give a player three separate shots on a particular hole that will not change for the entire day. During that individual game, the pin and tee box will also stay the same. The wind will become increasingly difficult after each shot.

Not satisfied with your effort after your three shots? Play again. And again. And again. And so on. The next game, the player will be thrown onto the same exact hole, although the tee box and pin location will be different. For the next three shots, these variables will remain the same while the wind will continue to adjust.

The player who gets closest to the pin wins. In the event that there is a tie, a player’s second best shot of the day will be used as a tiebreaker.

To enter, select Prizes in the game select menu then select Money $hot. Players will need to swipe their Player Cards, credit cards or use the NFC reader or keypad to identify themselves before the game begins. A player is allowed to swipe only one card in a given day.

Note! If your name is incorrect on the leaderboard, you can correct it on the Golden Tee LIVE Caddy app. After logging in, navigate to the Account section and tap the Update Profile button.